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What's new
Our apartment
Shopping in Japan
Driving in Japan
Trips outside Japan
Trips in Japan
Adventures in Japan
JET Programme
Want to hear from us?


November 14, 2004 - Blog at http://edenandjosh.blogspot.com/ created.  Please check it out for all new information.


June 22, 2004 - Added photos from our visit to Kyoto with Chris, Katherine, and Janet.  Added photos of our trip to the Northern Marianas Islands to see Jeff and Karla.  Also added some photos of our apartment, and car.


May 10, 2004 - Added Eden's account of our Golden Week trip to Oita prefecture, "Sobo-san to Katamuki-san, the longest true backpacking trip in Kyushu"... sounds like fun.  As well as updated the main/home page.  Enjoy.


April 28, 2004 - It's been a while since the last update.  We were going over a monthly bandwidth limit, so I reduced the file size of many of the pictures to try to prevent this.  If for some reason you'd like a higher quality copy of one of the pictures, let me know.  One of Eden's friends was using the Snowmen picture as her wallpaper, and a higher quality version would probably look better.

Also added an archives page.  We're hoping to update this site more often, writing weekly or so to the main page and then posting those old messages to the archives.  This should allow us to do away with the MSN group all together.  There were lots of small changes done to the different pages, so look around a bit.


January 23, 2004 - Added Thailand page.  Also added photos to Kumamoto prefecture, tanegashima/yakushima and photo pages.  Updated the index page.  Check out some of the photos of Kumamoto in the winter!  Snow, snowmen, sledding... relaxing naked in a Japanese hot spring.


November 29, 2003 - Today Eden and Josh in Japan went online.  Check here for future updates.  That is, if we go on a trip or if we add some new pictures or whatever, a note about it will be posted here.  


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This site was last updated 11/14/04